Identifying Healthy Relationships

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Looking back on past relationships, we sometimes wonder: why didn’t we see the red flags?

Sometimes our judgment is clouded and we fail to recognize warning signs that were always

apparent. Learning how to identify the warning signs in the beginning of a relationship can help

prevent unnecessary heartache and pain.

There are general warning signs that you shouldn’t ignore before investing your time and heart, so

that you can sever your ties before the attachment grows stronger and you get hurt. 

Determine what your main requirements are and stick to them. It’s important not to lower your

standards and settle for anything less than you deserve.

Here are six relationship red flags you need to remember:

Flag #1 - Not Available on the Weekends

If the person you are falling for is only available to see you on weekdays or late at night, chances are

there is another love interest already occupying their time.

Flag #2 - Texting Rather Than Calling

When a person prefers to text you all the time rather than call, this is a clue that they are too busy or

involved with someone else; If someone really wants to get to know you, they will call you and hunt

you down like a predator hunts prey to prove their desire to be with you.

Flag #3 - Wanting Intimacy To Soon

If the person you’re dating tells you how much they love you and want you after the first date, they

are obviously playing mind games.  Developing a friendship and romance takes time to

progress. Allow them to ask you out a few more times before intimacy occurs. You’re worth it!

Flag #4 - Not Looking for a Commitment

Avoid people who take you on an emotional roller coaster. If the person that you are seeing has told

you that they are not looking for a serious relationship, they have clearly decided from the very

beginning that they do not want to become emotionally involved with you.

Flag #5 - Treat Others Badly

How a person treats their family members and friends is definitely a sign of how they will treat you,

especially if you get on their bad side. If they treat others poorly or they talk back to friends or

family chances are they’ll treat you just as poorly.

Flag #6 - A One- Sided Relationship

If you’re the only one trying to keep the relationship going, you are already working too hard.

Relationships are two way streets; both parties need to be involved. If you get the impression you’re

investing more than he is pump the breaks and move on!

About the Georgia Woodbine 

She is one of the world’s top female speakers and leading expert in personal and professional development and has helped to motivate and inspire an entire generation.  She is widely known as a change agent, author, lifestyle transformation coach and dynamic and entertaining speaker. She has been featured in media outlets such as; The Daily News, Huffington Post, Rolling Out Magazine, Sirius Radio XM. She created curriculum and lectured at The Learning Annex, one of the premier producers of seminars, lectures, classes, and workshops throughout North America.  She has authored several books including: Total B.S. (Body and Soul), How to Attract the Right Man into Your Life, How to Make Big Bucks without Selling Your Soul, How to Choose Your Career Path, Jewels of Inspiration and Reflections, Minute of Motivation and produced cutting-edge online courses, 5 Secrets to Create the Life You Love, How to Turn Your Passion into Profits and How to Write a Book in 30 Days or Less. She has been a life coach for over thirteen years and has trained and coached thousands of people.  In love with life, she enjoys being an empowerment advocate for others to find their true purpose. She captures her audiences with her message of hope, inspiration and the power of intention. Her passion continues to touch countless souls in their pursuit of happiness. Walk with Georgia on the journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle at